Wednesdays:Bible 6:00pm
Sundays:Sunday School 9:00am
Sundays:Church 10:00am
Sundays:Children Time of Praise
Saterdays before 4th Sunday 1:00pm
Saterdays before 4th Sunday 11:00am
Thursdays except before 2nd and 4th Sundays 7:00pm
Thursdays before the 2nd Sunday 6:00pm
Saterdays before the 4th Sundays 1:00pm
Thurdays before the 2nd Sundays 7:00pm
2nd Saterdays except the month of March, June, July, August, September, December 10:00am
12763 NW GRAND AVE SURPRISE, AZ 85374 (623) 974-4907
For directions click Facebook